Ask Sali
The SEND Advice Line for Inclusion (or 'Ask SALI', as we call it) is a new phoneline for SENCOs and other school professionals to call, to get advice about meeting the needs of their children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
How will Ask SALI work?
The new service will be staffed by 3 Ask SALI advisors, who bring with them a wealth of professional experience and an extensive knowledge of SEND. The advisors come from a range of different professional backgrounds, including:
- primary SENCO with extensive knowledge of SEND in a mainstream setting
- manager of children’s homes with experience of social and emotional mental health issues, and a working knowledge of SEND pathways
- specialist teacher and physiotherapist with professional health experience
Their knowledge of the different SEND pathways and first hand experience of working with services means that they are well equipped to support schools and settings.
Ask SALI advisors will speak to SENCOs and other professionals, working quickly to provide the right support.
Ask SALi - SEND Advice Line for inclusion dedicated to SENCo's