Tier 4 - The Willow Centre
Intended Outcome
A therapeutic intervention programme designed to help children be successful in their mainstream school.
What does Tier 4 provision look like?
- A short term intervention, for a maximum of 16 weeks, designed to enable children to develop some of the key skills they need to succeed in a mainstream setting.
- The Willow Centre provides a therapeutic learning environment and a curriculum which is tailored to meet the needs of each individual child.
- Tier 4 is a partnership intervention with schools. Staff at The Willow Centre will work collaboratively with schools to support the child and develop the provision in place for them.
Accessing The Willow Centre
Children will be referred to Tier 4 from Tier 3 (Larwood Outreach).
If school, family and Tier 3 support feel that Tier 4 is the next best step in supporting a child, their case is presented to the DSPL2 Behaviour Board. The case is then assessed against a clear criteria and either a place at Tier 4 will be agreed or more appropriate support signposted.