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SEN Pathways working party

a letter from Tina Dean, SENCO at Shephalbury Park Primary School

Dear all,

Robyn McFayden and I have been working with Sally Glossop and others as part of a working party called SEN Pathways. Its aim is to improve accessibility to online support for professionals and families.

We have been tasked to set up a working party of at least one Senco from each DSPL. The aim is to give our perspective about how easily (or not) we, other professionals in our school and families find accessing SEN information/guidance etc from places like the local offer.

If you would be interested in being part of this group, please can you email myself and Robyn and we will arrange a TEAMs meeting to discuss it further.

Many thanks

Tina Dean – SENCo at Shephalbury Park

Robyn McFayden - North Herts Primary Support Service Manager / DSPL 1 SEND Lead                       

a letter from Tina Dean, SENCO at Shephalbury Park Primary School

Dear all,

Robyn McFayden and I have been working with Sally Glossop and others as part of a working party called SEN Pathways. Its aim is to improve accessibility to online support for professionals and families.

We have been tasked to set up a working party of at least one Senco from each DSPL. The aim is to give our perspective about how easily (or not) we, other professionals in our school and families find accessing SEN information/guidance etc from places like the local offer.

If you would be interested in being part of this group, please can you email myself and Robyn and we will arrange a TEAMs meeting to discuss it further.

Many thanks

Tina Dean – SENCo at Shephalbury Park

Robyn McFayden - North Herts Primary Support Service Manager / DSPL 1 SEND Lead                       

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