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Early Years SENCo Forum - July

Our Forum in July included presentations from the Early Years Inclusion Development Officers and a practical follow-up session on 'play bags' by Amy Schofield.

Thank you to Rebecca Clements and Jackie Bains, Early Years IDO's for North Herts & Stevenage, who gave a presentation on their role and responsibilities.  The slides can be downloaded from the attachments below.

There was also an immersive practical session on 'play bags' with Amy Schofield which everyone found very beneficial and interesting.  Thank you Amy for sharing your practice.


If you're an Early Years SENCo, the dates for next year's forums can be found here.  Booking is via our Eventbrite page.  At the end of September's Forum, new to role and new to Stevenage SENCo's are invited to stay an additional half hour for a welcome session.