Tier 1 - Universal Provision
Intended outcome:
The Class Teacher and staff will use strategies within the classroom and for the playground in order to enable the child to function successfully during the school day.
Expected support from every primary school in order to access support from Tier 2-4:
- All Primary schools will identify a named Behaviour Lead
- The Behaviour and Mental Health Champion is an experienced member of staff – qualified teacher or HLTA, SENCO
- The Behaviour Lead will support their colleagues with observation, advice and strategies. They will review progress and keep records
- All primary schools will have a clear behaviour policy, provide induction for stakeholders, have a clear communication system between home and school, train staff in de-escalation, provide in house support and CPD and offer pastoral and family support work
- It is expected that the leadership of the school will support new staff with general behaviour management strategies
- The Behaviour and Mental Health Champion will observe and record any support/interventions to inform future referrals
Expected from schools for Tier 1:
- Behaviour support plan or similar in place
- Personalised planning – reasonable adjustments made.
- Evidence of strategies used and impact (including strategies that did not work)
- Sustained engagement with parents/carers
- Engagement with external professionals
- Clear chronology and records kept
- Clear baseline assessment of needs – Boxall etc