New - Hertfordshire Bee You
Understanding my Autism and ADHD (delivered by Autism Oxford) is a free virtual service designed to support children and young people aged 7-16 in Hertfordshire who may be autistic or ADHD as well as those with a confirmed diagnosis.
A new virtual service, jointly commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council and the NHS, supporting autistic/ADHD children and young people. Offering tailored support for autistic/ADHD children and young people aged from 7-16 years on a range of weekly topics.
See flyers below for more information.
There are places available on the following 10 week courses:
Weekly sessions for children aged 11-16 on Thursdays 7pm-8pm running 6th February – 10th April
Weekly sessions for children aged 7-10 on Mondays 4pm-5pm running from 3rd February – 7th April